Gallo Music Publishing proudly welcomes Jamie-Lee Sexton, an incredibly talented singer, musician, and songwriter whose versatile artistry shines in the genre of Soulful Pop. Known for her unique voice and captivating stage presence, Jamie-Lee brings a fresh blend of...
Three years following her chart-topping debut album, Sneziey Msomi, the acclaimed South African Music Award-nominated gospel artist, makes a triumphant return with her latest EP, “Sibonga Umusa.” Released on November 24th, 2023, through Gallo Music, the...
Rising star, Makhosi teams up with Blaq Diamond also known as UMUTHI of Umuthi Othi Thi Records to release his latest single ‘Hello My Baby (Sondela)’. In the era of TikTok, Makhosi seized the opportunity to showcase his talent through open-verse challenges and...
“23:23” features the empowering lead single “So High” featuring Shekhinah. Stream/listen to “23:23” HERE South Africa’s music sensation, Paxton, is back and ready to set the music scene ablaze with the release of her much-anticipated sophomore album,...
Gallo Music Publishers is proud to announce the official signing of Babalwa! We look forward to a long and prosperous partnership. About Babalwa Babalwa was born in Cape Town in 1987 and raised in Langa Township. She attended Rhodes High school where she matriculated...